Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 1st, 夜夜夜夜夜

在地铁站,Rob 再一次pissed off,事情的原因是这样的,我们拿着地图问地铁站的工作人员,繁华的市中心在哪,有没有哪里可以逛夜市的地方好推荐,她说,不知道;于是我们自己想了想,决定把明天的行程,后海之行提到今天,我们问她,后海在哪,她说,坐2号线到鼓楼大街,我们问她,那出了地铁该怎么走,她说,不知道;Rob 把地图放在她眼前,“看一下,看”, Rob 说着蹩脚的中文,她仍然,看也不看地,不知道;Rob就是在这时再一次失去控制的。。。“你是中国人吗?” “你看不懂汉字吗?”“你在这里工作是干什么? ”“傻B!" "bitch!"
后来还是千方百计地到了后海,喝了超怀旧的北京罐罐酸奶,在后海一家酒吧坐高高的露台喝酒看风景听唱歌玩骰子,看到有中国女孩和外国男孩一起走就干杯…… 疯完了,又逛了逛烟袋斜街的小店铺……
In the subway station, Rob got pissed off again. This is why......We held a map and asked a worker in the subway station to recommend where a good shopping area was. She said, "I don't know." Then we decided to go to the bar street, which we had planned for the following day. So we asked the worker how to get to Hou Hai Bar Street. She said, "Take the #2 subway line to Gu Lou Da Jie Station and get off." We asked her which direction to walk from the station. She said, "I don't know." Rob put the map in front of her face and said (in poor Chinese) "Kan, kan yi xia (look at it)." She didn't look at it and said, "I don't know." This was when Rob lost his self-control. He said, "Aren't you Chinese? Can't you read Chinese characters? What's your job here? Shabi! (stupid bitch)" When we got out of the subway station Rob asked me if he was wrong in saying that. He felt bad for saying those things to the woman in the station. I said "Babe, If someone came to Xi'an and asked us for directions. We would try to help them even if we don't know where they're trying to go. Wouldn't we?
Eventually, we got to Hou Hai and drank some traditional yogurt out of clay pots. We sat outside on the balcony of a bar and looked out over the lake. We heard people singing and we drank beers. We played dice games and drank every time we saw a western man with a Chinese girl. After that we did some window shopping on an old alley called Yan Dai Xie Jie.
5月旅行的第一天,在快乐的夜色中拉上了帷幕,以下是我和Rob的你一张我一张……Here are some more photos from May 1st. This brings day one to an end.

1 comment:

  1. That subway station story is reminiscent of the dark side, Rob! :)
