Saturday, August 29, 2009

local newspaper story

I'll try to put up a copy of the article from the local newspaper.  Many people have seen this article and I have become somewhat of a local celebrity.  Last night we were stopped by a family in a restaurant after eating.  They had recognized us from the news article and pictures which had been sent to them in the text message version of the newspaper which was sent to their cell phones.  Here it is (sorry it's only in Chinese).





2009-08-26 09:10:46








图为身着凤冠霞帔的新郎母亲(左)为儿媳打伞迎亲时的情景。 记者 宗公平 摄

  (记者 宗公平 通讯员 强智勇 薛明黎)819日,渭南姑娘孙婧一和美国小伙罗伯特








more wedding photos

My friend Joe has some of the most stunning photos of the wedding on flickr  I'll try to put a link on here, but it may not work since I have to post these with my e-mail. the photos should be here .   If the link doesn't work just copy and paste this ...  .  Some of his great photos can also be seen on his blog "Sweet and Sour Wimp".  There is a link to his blog on the left.

Wedding day!

The wedding was amazing.  More than 400 people attended.  It was very traditional (lots of red instead of white).  I put lots of pics on snapfish and Joe has some on flickr, so I'll try to provide links soon.  I'll write about it here on the blog in the next couple days when I get some time.